Op deze dag van de Dodenherdenking zou ik willen wijzen op een bijzondere tentoonstelling, die momenteel wordt gehouden in het Yivo Intitute of Jewish Research, West 16th Street NewYork. De expositie met de titel Yiddish Fighting Club gaat over Joodse boksers en worstelaars, die na de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Amerika furore maakten. Zij werden symbool voor de weerbare Jood, die zich niet zo maar liet afslachten in een Holocaust. Vooral de worstelaar Rafael Halperin was in die dagen populair.
The New York Times:
“In the 1950s and early 1960s, many Jewish men and their children were transfixed by their black-and-white television screens on nights when wrestling was televised and the featured fighter was Rafael Halperin. After a war in which six million Jews were slaughtered, here was a Jew, sinewy and fearless, who could vanquish most of his opponents, some of whom were chosen because they looked like comic-book villains. So what if there were rumors that the fights were staged. Halperin was someone who appeared to be a genuine ethnic hero.”
Hier oude zwart-witbeelden van Halperin: