Zo heeft rabbijn Nathan Alexander, woonachtig in een nederzetting op de West Bank, een website – Better2gether – geopend waar je koosjere vibrators en dildo’s kunt bestellen.
De rabbijn denkt zijn klandizie vooral te kunnen vinden onder jonge orthodoxe stellen, die gebonden zijn aan allerlei beperkende regels inzake hun seksleven.
The Huffington Post meldt:
“Ultra-Orthodox religious rules ban nudity and suggestive imagery, according to Bloomberg. In some communities, the genders are separated at an early age and kids rarely get any kind of sex education from their parents or teachers. Couples often seek sex advice from rabbis after they get married. To keep it kosher, Alexander’s website is free of coarse language, or photos of scantily-clad women. The same careful consideration goes into the packaging of his sex toys. The 200 items on sale on his site are shipped in boxes that are free of racy images, the Times of Israel reports. Orthodox Jewish sex gurus are alo available online to help answer shoppers’ questions about the products and about seks.”
Hier een video over koosjere sextoys: